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New Shop!!

What an amazing first day at our new location!!!! It feels like home already and we hope you agree!! 

There are a few things that I want to make sure I communicate and some questions that have been asked a lot so I'm sure others would love to know the answers!

First, our parking lot is quirky (like myself) and may take a little getting used to. If you are coming up the hill and turning right into our parking lot, it may be easier to take the road just past the shop and use the driveway behind the building to access our parking lot. Do NOT park in the driveway behind the building and do not use any of the parking spaces behind the building! 

Yes, lines will be painted on our parking lot, unfortunately it couldn't happen last week! If you cannot find parking immediately in front of our shop, you can park at Kanon Electric but we ask that you try to NOT park there Monday to Friday from 10 to 4....we love our neighbors and don't want to hog their parking! You can park along side the road by the park and walk down if that is easier for ya! 

We now have a "cafe" area and a classroom space! The "cafe" isn't really a cafe yet (we do sell a few snacks and currently have bottled iced tea for sale...this area will be expanded with more options as we are able to really build out our cafe to its full potential). We kindly ask that you limit bringing in outside food. We understand for long classes there will be exceptions, or if you have dietary restrictions or medical situations that mandate eating snacks that you provide.  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

We ask that any snacks be consumed in the cafe area more food in the classroom space and only beverages with lids. 

Even though the cafe area isn't fully grown yet, it allows our friends to sit and knit/crochet any time the shop is open. If someone is waiting for a space and you have a seat available, please share and make a new friend!!! 

Sit-n-Stitch will still take place in our classroom space...but please note that in the fall we will be adding more classroom events, so Sit-n-Stitch times will be limited to the times that are advertised. If you come early or stay late, you will be asked to move to the cafe seating. 

We have received a lot of questions asking if we will be expanding our selection of yarns. I'm going to be 1,000% transparent with ya, this move has been VERY expensive (not a complaint....just the truth!!!!)

When we moved to the corner of Main Street in 2019, I did go to our community to fundraise to help us get to that next step (mostly to buy chairs and bookshelves!!!), but I really didn't want to do that this time! But please be patient with me as I won't be able to place super large yarn orders right this moment. Thank you for understanding that it's not from lack of want ;) 

If you have watched A Little Knitty grow, you know I have done it little bits at a time with a couple pretty big leaps of faith. I promise it will grow into something amazing (although I think it's rather amazing already) just please be patient and understand that it is forever a work in progress! 

Thank you for your continued support. I'm SO excited for this chapter of our story and I hope you are too. And you can help us out without spending a penny!!!! If you come to the new shop, please take a photo and post it on Google or social media. Tell your friends about us! Getting the word out is so important!!! 

Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for reading this and being part of this amazing community! 


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