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It takes a village

I have no photographic proof of this....but packing up the yarn with so many volunteers was the coolest thing ever!!! In 90 minutes we had ALL the yarn packed and in MANY cars who then made the pilgrimage to Milton. 

This was allllll the was quite a mountain!

Thank you SO much to Jason, Jessica, Paige, Amber, Christina, Sherri, Candee, Kris, Teresa, Hilde, Elena, Nolan, Piper and Brian who kicked some serious booty packing up all that yarn!!!! I would STILL be there if I did this myself!

And then a huge shout out to Kris, Hilde and Elena for putting the yarn back on the shelf at the new shop.....even if we didn't have power that first day ;)  

My village is amazing and I can NEVER say thank you enough to those who showed up!!


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