In April 2020 I launched a Patreon account to help keep the shop alive. You guys REALLY stepped up and pledged from $5 to $50 per month and this allowed me to pay the electricity bill each month. I did what I could to give content while we were all stuck at home, but when the shop opened back up to customers, and then to classes, I just couldn't continue driving content to Patreon. I felt awful, but wanted to reward the supporters who used their hard earned money so I came up with a discount code each month.
As we are approaching the THREE YEAR MARK, I find myself going to Patreon and reliving the dire straights I was in when I launched it. So, I pulled the plug :)
If you donated to Patreon at ANY time during the last 2.75 years....please stop by the shop and pick a complimentary skein of Rainier Roses Yarn!! Just ask at the checkout stand!
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