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Hilde's Corner

The Yarnalia trunk show is happening right now in the shop which is the perfect time for me to tell you what’s on my needles currently!

I am knitting with Yarnalia’s Wonder, a DK weight yarn, and I’m knitting Basic Cardigan: Drop-Shoulder Construction by Amy Herzog. I’ve been meaning to use this yarn ever since Jen brought it into the shop and I’m enjoying it very much. I’ve tended to stay away from acrylic as it doesn’t breathe well but this is a mix with 30% wool so I am looking forward to seeing how this yarn will perform. I’m finding that this yarn is NOT splitty at all! It almost looks like it has been felted, though it has not. I don’t know how they do that, but it’s pretty cool. If you don’t like splitty yarn, this yarn is for you! It is super soft and I will love being able to just toss it into the machine to wash.

I am also planning to knit Stephen West’s Westknits MKAL 2024, Go Go Dynamo which begins October 3. I have my yarn picked out: Malabrigo Ultimate Sock in Pearl Ten and Pearl. Those of you who will participate, I can’t wait to see what yarn you will choose! As Jen says, one always learns something with Stephen West, and I’m always willing to learn as much as I can when it comes to knitting.

So - for the crocheters out there… My husband and son recently watched the newest Alien movie. Somehow my hubby found out there is a crochet pattern called Alien Xenomorph by Woollycubs (it sells for about $5.22 on Ravelry). He loves it so much, he has decided he wants it enough to learn how to crochet just so he can have it! There has been a lot of teaching going on in our household, as well as a lot of cursing, but he’s actually getting it. I had him crochet a simple shaped project first just so he could get a handle on how stitches are made, and he finished that with flying colors. He’s just begun his little Xenomorph this evening and it’s going well so far! He’s using Ricorumi DK in pistachio (no black! I don’t want him hating the whole process because he can’t see!) I’ll keep you posted with his progress.


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