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Showing posts from July, 2013

Bella Chic Photography

Meet Hailey... I met Hailey last year and am thankful that I can consider her one of my talented friends! She is a phenomenal photographer and owner of Bella Chic Photography & Boutique  and she is now our family photographer (whether she likes it or not) because she is able to capture awesome photos like this... And this... And... When the almost 2 year old was not thrilled about the process and it was COLD!!!! Hailey got it done quickly and I am beyond thrilled with the end result! Not only is she an awesome photographer, but she has really great style and just launched a new Etsy store called  Leighty Bug Boutiqu e (named after the little baby girl that will make her debut later in the year...and might I add she is the most adorable preggo ever!) These could not be cuter!!! So now it's time to play a fun game of 10 questions with Hailey....and go! 1. What did you want to be when you were little? I can't really remember what I wanted to be when I was little, but I do rem...

There is more than one way to cut a watermelon!

I adore Pinterest (no surprise there, huh?) it introduces me to brilliant ideas like this one... Seriously! So brilliant when you have little kids (and I enjoyed it too!!) my two year old got a lot less messy and since she had a little "handle" she didn't drop as many pieces!  From now on, this is the way we do it!