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Showing posts from September, 2024

Fiberside Chats - Sarah Schira

Fiberside Chats - Sarah Schira Join Live Online Chats with Some of Fiber's Most Exciting Creators We’ve invited some of your favorite designers and creators to join us for a series of online gatherings with Longmont Yarn Shoppe & our group of 39 collaborating Yarn Shops across North America. We call these:  Fiberside Chats! Launched in May 2020, Chats are one-hour Zoom sessions with special guests joining us to give a peek into their world. These designers & creators will discuss their unique path, creative processes, favorite techniques, latest projects, or whatever is inspiring them now. There will be opportunity for Q&A & other fun surprises like giveaways & pattern discounts for those who join! Fees & Registration Your seat at Fiberside Chats is just $20. This fee supports the guest speaker & the LYS you sign up under. At the registration page you can choose to purchase your ticket from any of the shops listed. If you’re not affiliated with any of th

Yarnalia Trunk Show!!

We are so excited to announce that we have been chosen to host a Trunk Show for Yarnalia!! September 18th to October 2nd we will have samples in the shop displaying how awesome their yarn is!! If we don't have the color you want in stock, we are happy to special order it for you (they ship pretty quickly!!) We will have some pretty cool tote bags that we will be giving out over the 2 weeks during the trunk show. Of course we will post lots of pics on social media as soon as we can! But don't miss out on seeing them in person!!

Kris' Corner - Welcome Fall

The weather is cooling and the leaves are turning and I’m getting excited about taking walks, drinking pumpkin lattes and knitting in my favorite season. What are your favorite things to do this time of year and more importantly what are you knitting or crocheting as Summer ends and Fall begins? I’m hearing a lot of conversation in A Little Knitty about starting new projects and taking classes.  This is a great time of year to hop on board and cast on something new or sign up for a class and learn a new technique. I’ve recently started three new projects that will carry me into Fall and I’m excited to share them with you. The first one is “Shores Cardigan” by Ashley Lillis .  Its a simple top-down raglan cardigan that is oversized with cropped sleeves and no buttons. It calls for a bulky yarn and I’ve picked Yarnalia’s Fluffy in the color, “Winter Stormy Sky” , which is a beautiful dark grey that will match just about anything. I’ve been wanting to make something with Yarnalia and here

Do you know about our local guilds?

What is a guild anyway?? A guild is a group designed to education, inspire, and provide community for fellow fiber lovers. Guilds can be focused on one specific aspect of fiber crafts (weaving, knitting, etc) but usually they are open to ALL lovers of fiber!!! It's a great way to make fiber friends, find a new passion and more! So let's learn a bit more about the guilds in our area. If you know of a guild not mentioned in this blog post, email me at and I'll add it to this list! Arachne Guild The purpose of Arachne Guild is to provide continuing education for members in the arts of weaving, spinning, and related fiber crafts. To further this goal, Arachne has a large library, a monthly newsletter, and monthly meetings on various topics. The guild’s travelling loom helps members learn new weaving techniques. Membership is open to anyone showing a genuine interest in learning about and sharing in the fiber arts. Although the guild draws members mainly f

Westknits MKAL 2024

It's the 15th annual MKAL season! This year's shawl is called Go Go Dynamo. It's going to be a lively energetic design filled with bold geometric details. Go Go Dynamo is designed for two contrasting colors. Go bold with two solid shades or create a splashy painterly effect with a speckled contrast color combined with a solid main color. Join me as I guide you through this year's mystery shawl with video tutorials throughout October. You can purchase the pattern now ...and as the clues drop, you will get updates!! We have LOTS of ideas for color pairings or go stash diving!!

Hilde's Corner - Travel Inspired

Hello Everyone! I recently got back from a big trip to The Netherlands and Norway that I took with my family (Mom, sister, brother-in-law, brother, and daughter) to visit family and see some sights. We spent a week in The Netherlands, and two weeks in Norway and had the most wonderful time! We went to celebrate Mom’s 80th birthday and she was treated like a queen and thoroughly spoiled. We had two family parties in Norway, visited many cousins, and were taken on some amazing day trips. So in honor of my trip, I thought it would be fun to find some patterns inspired by The Netherlands and Norway! First up is Dutch Tulips by Alina Appasova - an asymmetrical triangle shawl using mosaic knitting. The pattern is $8 on Ravelry. I think using mini skeins would work beautifully for this project! We have a Rainier Roses kit that is perfect. (Sadly we didn’t see any Dutch tulips on the trip - wrong time of year) Here is a beautiful cowl inspired by the city of Delft where the blue and white patt

August FB Winners

Congratulations to our August FB Winners!! Want to join in the fun? Check out our private facebook group and enter your finished objects in our monthly drawing!! Katie B Jeannie H Kelly R Susan P