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Showing posts from April, 2013

My Non Scale Victories

I have been on this "Get Healthy, Stay Healthy" kick since January 1st this year. At first I just made small changes and tracked my food on My Fitness Pal (I've logged in EVERY day since January 1st!!!), worked out at the Y and 13 pounds came off fairly easily. But lately I've been ramping things up and the scale isn't moving AT. ALL. I've been frustrated and wanted to give up. But honestly giving up isn't really an option because I do feel healthier and I like living like this, even though I can't seem to budge the scale! I DO understand that being healthy is so much more than a number...however there comes a point where you would like that number to catch up! ;) This weekend I had a few moments that would not have been possible if I didn't make the small changes I have made this year and they have very little to do with the number I see on the scale. #1 I had my best personal time at a 5K race. For some, 41 minutes and 59 seconds is nothing to wr...

It's Just Me....At Home

It is NOOOOOO secret that I love direct sales companies. I love that they are usually started by or run by strong, inspiring women. I love their products. I love the relationships that I wouldn't have without these companies. I love supporting others (I can't sell 'em all...contrary to belief!!) I especially love that it allows mom's like me to work from home, feel like more than just a "mom" and earn a little cash! Just today I was chatting with my cousin about how some people rep so many different lines. As of yet, I have not been a rep for more than one company at a time, because I do TRY to focus on one thing.... OOOOOOH LOOK SOMETHING SHINY... where was I??? Oh, focus! Yes, I try to focus. I adore Norwex, I am not quitting Norwex, in fact I REALLY want to do more in home parties and presentations because I think it is so unknown and really has to be seen to understand how amazing it is. I thank God for Norwex pretty much everyday (most of the time it'...

I love 5!

I love age 5! It really is my favorite age thus far. My son turned 5 a couple weeks ago and he seems like a different mini person. He is all of a sudden so grown up and smart. We have awesome conversations...and silly ones. He is just a little sponge that soaks up everything and thirsts for more knowledge. He still loves to cuddle, give hugs and kisses, hold my hand at the store and go on "dates" with me. He still thinks I'm smart, awesome and funny...I know very well this WILL come to an end...probably faster than I would like it to. Nothing I do embarrasses him, singing loudly in the car and hugging him in public are perfectly acceptable  and he returns my blown kiss when I see him through the window at the YMCA. He doesn't even look around and wonder what other people will think of him. This too will end. Sure, he is also exhausting....the knock, knock jokes seem never ending and lately he has developed a love of story telling...or maybe I should call it story list...

Sinless Apple Crisp

First of all, I would make the world's WORST food blogger. Seriously! Pioneer Woman takes a photo of EVERY stinkin' step...and I wolf down my food and think "Darn, I should have blogged about that". I have a couple options here...I could make another batch, which I will inevitably eat, or I can draw you a picture... TADA!!! I totally made that!!! It might look like turds (did I just type TURDS?? I have a 5 year old boy...this subject comes up a lot) in a blue hot tub...but that's just because I have the paintshop skills of a 2 year old!!! What is this, you ask? It's Sinless Apple Crisp!!! I found the recipe on Pinterest but it called for sugar and microwaving in a freezer bag. I just couldn't microwave it in a freezer I grabbed a Vent n' Serve (shout out to Tupperware!!) so that I could get the same steaming action! Sinless Apple Crisp Servings: 1 starved girl who just wants desert Ingredients 1 medium apple (peeled, cored and sliced or cubed)...

Brutally Honest

This blog has been brewing in me for awhile (well, I have a few up in my head I just kinda suck at writing them out sometimes). I follow a lot of inspiring bloggers and their honesty has really helped me in my journey...and I felt the need to be brutally here it goes... This is what 233 lbs looks like....and I'm VERY proud of myself. I have learned so much this year (I'll talk about a few of them on another day) but the most important thing I have learned is that the number on the scale means very little!! I have been this weight before, but my clothes didn't fit as well, I couldn't run as far (or at all) and I didn't feel so strong. The number doesn't tell you that I've lost fat and gained muscle.  (They all weigh exactly the same) I saw this image awhile ago and it really hit home that the number doesn't really matter as much (and that I'm just too short...hahahaha). We all carry weight differently and are just different people. Feelin...